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realestates-survey, Real Estate

What Investors Really Think About Real Estate Investment?

1. Are there any tax advantages to real estate investment?


Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Yes 45 92%
No 3 7%

2. Do I have to have money to start investing in real estate?


3. Are services for real estate investment expensive?


Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Yes 48 98%
No 2 2%

4. Does an investor need a real estate license?


Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Yes 37 62%
No 14 37%

5. What real estate exit strategy works the best?


Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Yes 37 62%
No 14 37%

6. Is it critical that I choose the best name possible for my real estate company?


7. Which kind of real estate property is better?


Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Residential 18 27%
Commercial 27 53%
Others 4 7%

8. How happy are real estate investors overall?

Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Satisfied 18 26%
Very Satisfied 23 52%
Not Satisfied 5 7%

9. Are investments in real estate secure?


Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Very safe 27 43%
Safe 18 32%
Unsafe 9 17%
Both 5 16%

10. Is it worthwhile to invest in real estate?

Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Yes 34 71%
No 15 23%
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